Sunday, June 19, 2011

WELL. . .

I decided that I don't like titles. . .coming up with them takes me forever and often time keeps me from posting. Its funny how silly little things like titles can keep us from doing things like this. So tonight after being told by my mom to post something I'm going to and I don't even care what the title is!!!

In my moms office one of the walls is covered with pictures. . .old and new, some that I like and others I wish she would take down( the ones of me), but there they are, up on a wall.

Tonight while out at my grandparents house I was looking at a photo album that one of my cousins had put together, in it was old and new photos. Its amazing how things change as well as how fast they do. Pictures give us a time to reflect, to really sit and look and think back to that day, that moment, those feelings.

Time is a funny thing and it makes me happy and sad at the same time, and to be honest I think its the only thing that can really do that.

So here are some pictures that I found! Some old. Some new. But all great!!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


On this blessed day Parker finally got dressed at 11:45 am. . .yes it was a struggle. . .after him giving me puppy dog eyes for a half hour and me trying my hardest not to completly die of laughter, I finally gave in and picked him some clothes out to wear for the day. . .I'm just glad I didn't have to help him get dressed. . .eww!!!!! Yep this is how I am spending the days of my youth. . .picking out clothes for my fourteen year old brother to wear!!!!!

but looking at this picture I know what you are thinking. . . fourteen????

In other news. . .

It is finally shaved ice season. . .and for me that means afternoons and nights hanging out in a blessed trailor known as Shavy Jones!!! No this is no regular snow cone and upon first mention of snow cone i tremble and become slightly offended, this is SHAVED ICE PEOPLE!!!! But with much self control I am quick to correct those innocent people who call the place I work at a Snow Cone Shack.. . . .ITS NOT!!! If you don't believe me come try it!!! We are located on the patio of Mountain Mikes Pizza(delicous) and 10400 South. . . I work tomorrow night!!! Our hours are 4-9 M-F and 12-9 on Saturday, come for a visit!!!!